Commands for GC Server

General Commands:

  • /prop um 1 - Unlock all of the Map + Teleports
  • /prop osall 1 - Unlock all Side Content + Map Barriers | Restart the game after using this.
  • /g avatars x1 lv90 c6 sl10 - Unlocks all characters at Lv90, Constellation 6, Talents Lv10 (Traveler not included.)
  • /g weapons x1 lv90 r5 - Grants x1 of all weapons at Lv90, Refinement Lv5
  • /prop wl 8 - Sets your World Level to 8.
  • /prop player_level 60 - Sets your AR Level to 60.
  • /prop abyss 12 - Unlocks up to Spiral Abyss Floor 12. | This game mode is bugged as of current.
  • /prop BPLevel 50 - Sets your Battlepass to Lv50. | Prevents annoying notification icon.
  • /prop nostamina on|off - Turn unlimited stamina on or off. | Good for high latency connections.
  • /prop godmode on|off - Turn unlimited health on or off. | Good for very high latency connections.
  • /setFetterLevel 10 - Sets the active character's friendship to Lv10.

Commands for Traveler:

To level & ascend Traveler, collect Adventurer Rank rewards after setting AR level.
  • /prop se <element> - While Traveler is active, sets their used element.
  • /setConst 6 - Sets the active character's constellation to 6 - usable on each element.
  • /talent all 10 - Sets the active character's combat talents to Lv10 - usable on each element.

Grants Ascension materials.

/g 202 2100000 - 

/g 104003 500

/g 100024 200

/g 112005 100

/g 112006 100

/g 112007 100

Glider Skins:

/g 140001

/g 140002

/g 140003

/g 140004

/g 140005

/g 140006

/g 140007

/g 140008

/g 140009

/g 140010

How do I make artifacts?

  • Generate your artifacts here and then copy the command.
I want pre-made artifacts that are strong:

What about Character Costumes?

As of this writing, they're broken / cannot be obtained. However, for the future:

/g 340000

/g 340001

/g 340002

/g 340003

/g 340004